Clementine Creative Agency

How Social Media is Being Used for Good

We complain about social media. We complain ON social media. It’s true that social media presents us with new concerns and challenges all the time. Think: children have access to anything and everything, and the reverse is true… anyone has access to much of our personal information with a quick Google search.

But on the other hand, social media has done some pretty amazing things to impact the political and social climate. It connects us, it spreads positivity and brings a smile to many throughout the world.

Standing Against Violence

It seems as though each time a violent act is committed, social media reacts first. Updates often come from Twitter before CNN or your local news. First hand experiences are sometimes more informative than relying on information from anchors.

Students directly affected by the tragedy at Stoneman Douglas High School took to social media by storm to assert changes to prevent similar tragedies from happening in the future. Now, more than ever, students are taking a stand against what they see as outdated laws and politicians in a big way. Social media has made it easier than ever for students to organize peaceful marches and rallies to support their cause.

Disaster Relief

After Hurricane Harvey hit the mainland U.S. in 2017, social media users came to the rescue. When police and other rescue officials were working to sort through the thousands of emergency calls, citizens happily pulled their boats out to help rescue those in need.

Boat owners offered their help, asking for addresses of stranded families and people in need. Those stranded tweeted requests: we’re out of baby formula, we need water. And Twitter delivered. Even emergency response officials used social media to their favor to spread news widely and quickly to those affected by power and television outages.

Education + Fundraising

One small tweet can turn into a large movement if shared on the right account. With sites like GoFundMe and Facebook’s fundraising feature, social media makes it easier than ever to raise donations for your favorite cause. Local animal rescue organizations, who may have struggled in the past to raise money for emergency surgeries, are finding it easier to raise funds via social shares from animal lovers around the world. ‘Outrage giving’ is on the rise for those passionate about reuniting immigrant families. One couple raised more than $5 million to the cause on Facebook alone, the social network site’s largest donation amount ever.

Spreading Happiness

How many times has a video of a baby or a puppy stopped you mid-Facebook scroll? It’s okay, they get us every time too. Simply searching YouTube for ‘babies laughing’ can turn any day around instantly. With so much nonsense in the world, it seems people are using social media to keep spirits high by sharing funny videos, sweet stories and uplifting messages.

Despite the negativity in the world, both offline and online, there are always moments of positivity. Each day, your brand has the opportunity to make a difference in at least one user’s world through a smile or a helpful tip or even by raising awareness for a related nonprofit.

What did you see on social media that made a positive difference in your life?
Tweet it to us at @cca_creates!

Header Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

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