Clementine Creative Agency

2019 Year in Review

It’s amazing what one year can bring! Last year, our team was a small quartet. Now, we’ve grown 50%! And the growth doesn’t stop there. Keep reading to see just how much we’ve accomplished in 2019.

Emily’s Favorite Moment:

Being featured on the UGA alumni website and Instagram page as well as presenting to the ADPR students of UGA, is my highlight from the 2019 year. To go back where I obtained my degree and learned the basics of the marketing industry that I now apply in my everyday role as an Account Coordinator excites me and lets me know that it was all worth it.

Brad’s Favorite Moment:

This year has been a year of changes for me. However, as I transitioned towards Clementine in the second half, everything started to fall into place. I was not only able to work on both creative and innovative websites (Peachtree Corners Town Center for example) for the agency, but I was also exposed to and given challenges and projects that have developed my abilities even further. I am glad to be able to end this year working and interacting with passionate and fun people who work hard and have fun while doing it.

Paula’s Favorite Moment:

2019 has been such an exciting year of change and growth for me! As one of the newest members of Clementine added this year, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with such an amazing team and contributing to the unique design process for each of our clients. Since starting at Clementine in June, I have been able to use my 3D skills on the JWC South on Main Bus Wrap Design and several animations for social media. I love a good challenge and it looks like 2020 is going to be full of them as we continue to grow and seek out new avenues for our creativity!

Jennifer’s Favorite Moment: 

One of my favorite moments of 2019 has to be Clementine’s takeover of the UGA Alumni Instagram account in celebration of International Women’s Day. Our team was both excited and honored to be asked to feature in this space by the UGA community (from which four of our team members hail) on a day that holds special meaning for our female-owned agency. Even more, it gave us a unique opportunity to connect with our alumni community and to produce some truly fun and creative content for their audience to enjoy. 

Rachel’s Favorite Moment:

I share many favorite moments with other team members, like the Marietta Square Market launch and visiting my alma mater, The University of Georgia, to speak to students about the fun things we get to do every day.

However, my most favorite moment was specific to the growth we’ve seen on our clients’ Instagram pages. This year has been a tough one for small (and large) businesses on social media, especially on Instagram with its numerous algorithm changes and general competitiveness. Our client Brightwater Homes, through brand new influencer efforts and a larger paid media push, increased its Instagram following by more than 300%. Personally, my most notable achievement on Instagram was for Marietta Square Market, who we helped gain 10K organic followers with zero paid media, within a year and a half of the account being created! In a day and age where everyone is struggling to see growth on Instagram, it was nice to see our hard work pay off despite the challenges.

Merissa’s Favorite Moment:

It’s always exciting to add to our team, and Brad and Paula have been great additions to our creative bunch.

Bringing on our new web developer Brad has allowed us to add even more advanced functionality and flexibility to our website offerings for new and current clients. The Peachtree Corners Town Center website is a great example of a fully custom and creative website that we’ve built from start to finish. Even better, we were able to work with a number of merchants in the Town Center including restaurants, retail, and services, which compliments our efforts to expand our client offerings to a variety of industries.

Our Most Popular Instagram Posts

We can’t wait to see what 2020 will bring! Follow along with us on social media at Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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